The Power of Jesus
The gospel is “the power of God unto Salvation” and so every inch of our church life is gospel-centered. We preach gospel-centered sermons, we sing gospel-centered songs, we pray gospel-centered liturgies, and we launch gospel-centered communities.
The People of Jesus
Our most important asset is not our money, resources, or programs. Our most important asset is our people. And so we use our time, money and resources to help launch communities of people. We are an aggressively people-first church.
The Purpose of Jesus
We do not exist for ourselves, but for the joy of Des Moines. As a church, we encourage our church to be missional in every sphere of influence, specifically on the block (where you live) and on the clock (where you work).
The Practices of Jesus
We practice the way of Jesus together through 5 core spiritual practices: Scripture, Solitude, Sabbath, Self-Denial & the Seasons. To learn more about the spiritual practices, enjoy this sermon series. To learn how we practice the spiritual practices, check out the gym.