I am so grateful that you chose to spend your Sunday morning visiting Frontier Church. If you are ready to get connected, start by downloading our church app:

I know that before visiting a new church you have one-hundred questions, and after visiting a new church you probably have one-thousand questions. I thought it might be helpful for me to try to put together a “starter pack” for learning about Frontier Church. Here are some resources for some of the most common questions:

How to Get Connected:

We are a people-first church, and so if you are looking to plug-in deeply to our church, we highly recommend jumping into a community group. Our greatest asset as a church is not our “world class programs” or our “plentiful resources.” Our greatest asset is our people. The easiest way to get to know our people is to check out whichever community group best works for your schedule:

The Deike Community group

6:30PM, Monday Nights at the Deike household (1529 45th street, Des Moines, IA). Show up or send Cole a text message at 641-430-5343.

The Holathaus Community Group

Thursdays at the Holthaus home at 6:15. Send a text message to Noah at 507-220-1525 for directions or information!

The Kerr Community group

6:30PM, Wednesday Nights at the Kerr Household. Send Stephen a text message at 515-720-2294.

The McFarling Community Group

Tuesdays, 5:30pm. You can send Chad a text message at 515-480-9931 for directions or instructions.

The Sims Community Group

5:30pm, Thursday nights at the Sims household. Send a text message to Carlos at 515-991-9158 for directions or information.

The Todd community group

6:00PM, Tuesday Nights at the Todd Household. Send DJ a text message at 712-577-4152


We love Jesus so much we could talk about him forever. So we have a church podcast where we nerd out about theology, talk about decisions happening in our local church, and connect the dots between culture and the Bible. We also have a podcast where we post all of our sermons if you miss a Sunday or need to give a sermon another listen:

Help me

get connected!

If you’re struggling with connecting to any of these leaders, feel free to send a message to our church at 515-517-8505. We would be glad to get you connected or to help you take your next steps! I know that checking out a church is difficult, and can often be awkward. Thanks for taking that step. I’d be happy to serve you however I can.

For the glory of Jesus and the joy of Des Moines,

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